4 Key Interview Skills to Land a Better Job
Even the most confident of us get a little nervous before a job interview, it's all good! Keep in mind, there are some simple ways to make sure you ace the process.
- Be Prepared! Take time to learn about the position and organization. What interests you most about this new opportunity? How could your skills and experience benefit the company? Preparing for an interview also means planning to be there on time and dressing the part. For example, if you're interviewing for a business position, dress in a business suit.
- Actively Listen. Interviewing well isn't just about what you say, it's about how well you listen too. Imagine you're in the interviewer's shoes and have back-to-back meetings scheduled all day. You certainly wouldn't want to have to repeat yourself so listen carefully to what's being asked and try to respond thoughtfully. It's OK to take a beat and collect your thoughts before responding.
- Ask Questions. Do you have a question or two about the position, the organization, or the interviewing process itself? For example, it's perfectly reasonable to ask when the interviewer expects to make a hiring decision. This will help you better prepare yourself in terms of when you may hear back and allows them to give you an idea of where they are in the process.
- Express Appreciation. You'll probably say "thank you for your time" automatically as your interview ends but taking the extra time to send a thank you note (via email) to the individual(s) you met with also shows that you're grateful for the opportunity and serious about the position. It can also provide a reminder of why you'd be a great fit for the organization.
Check out more interview skills here. Looking to make a difference in the lives of your fellow Kentuckians? Check out Abound's open positions.

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