How Not to Overbuy When Decking the Halls
It's holiday decorating season! Before you deck your halls, here are some quick reminders to keep things merry and bright without breaking the bank.
- Organize what you have - I can't tell you how many times I've bought more wrapping paper "just to be safe" and then found rolls upon rolls of unused gift wrap from the previous year. Before you head out or hit the order button online, take a few minutes to see what you ahve that is still in good shape - from gently used gift bags and ribbons to tape and more.
- Retire or Pass Down Items - Lights, lights and more lights are what I often find in our giant Christmas storage bins. But do they all work anymore? Does it make sense to put all these up? Take some time to test things out and either repair or toss broken items. Gifting decorations that are still in good shape to younger family members is also a great way to keep holiday traditions alive without cluttering up your space all year.
- Enjoy the Sentimental - One of our favorite family activities is looking at all the sweet handmade ornaments the kids made when they were little. Trimming the tree with these simpler sentimental items definitely beats buying shiny new ornaments to fit this year's color scheme! Traditional touches such as strands of popcorn and red bows are also great and won't eat into your holiday budget.
- Focus on What Matters - Seasonal decorations can be a lot of fun, but loads of giant blow-up Santas on the lawn, too many lights or oversized Christmas decor can be costly, difficult to storae and energy-inefficient. Consider what's truly important to your family and opt for smaller touches that are more meaningful and make your home inviting such as candlelight in the windows and a fresh wreath on the front door.
From all of us at Abound, we wish you and yours a happy, healthy and meaningful holiday season!

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