Abound is Giving Away $5K in December!
You could be one of five winners to have your name added to a random drawing and receive $1,000 this holiday season.
Yes, this is really a thing. We did it last year and we’re doing it again!
Starting November 1, 2024, any person who opens an Abound Personal Loan is automatically entered into a drawing to win $1,0001. We’re drawing five random winners on December 16. This means you must open your Personal Loan November 1 through December 15, 2025.
To be automatically entered, your Personal Loan must be at least $5,000 or more1. If your loan is $4,999 or less, you must manually enter the contest by filling out the Sweepstakes Alternate Entry Form on our website.
We know this drawing will come at the perfect time for a handful of Abound Members. Holiday shopping is already in full swing. Stressed about how you’ll make ends meet this giving season? An Abound Personal Loan could be a good option for you. No collateral is needed, only your signature. Plus, right now we are offering a promotional option of no payments for up to 90 days2.
Many of our Members use Personal Loans to pay bills, make unexpected purchases, repairs and more. Life happens, we get it! Others choose to spend the loan something fun, such as a vacation or big purchase they’ve had on their mind for a while. You dream it up, and we can talk about helping you make it happen. Other Abound Members use our Personal Loans as a debt consolidation tool. Meaning, you could pay off high interest credit cards and loans from other financial institutions and lump all of that debt into one single payment with us.
Our Personal Loans allow Members to borrow up to $35,000. We offer flexible terms to fit your unique needs and budget. The interest rate on these loans are typically lower than other financial institution’s loans, which leaves more money in your pocket for whatever you need to get done. Plus, the approval process is quick. Upon approval, you’ll have immediate access to your money because we can deposit it directly into your Abound account.
Here's what are Members are saying about our Personal Loans …
“I had two credit cards with large balances – my minimum payments would’ve taken me decades to pay them off,” an Abound Member Resource Branch Member. “Abound consolidated both credit card balances into one loan, with an even lower monthly payment than I had previously, and now I’ll have my debt paid off in one-third of the amount of time as before. Plus, I’m saving $19,000 in interest!”
“I’m a soldier who frequents Fort Knox. My wife was quickly feeling the impact of heavy credit card debt, so I looked into options. With this loan, I’m paying off nine credit cards totaling $14,000. There is finally an end in sight,” an Abound Pershing Branch Member said.
Let us be the flexibility you need this holiday season. And as a perk, you could win $1,000! Call us to talk through any questions you may have, 800.285.5669.

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All loans subject to credit approval.
1 Sweepstakes Rules. No Purchase Necessary.
2 First payment may be delayed up to 90 days. Interest will accrue during this time and extends the payoff date and term of your loan.